Minto Association
This organization is organized exclusively for the purpose of
charitable, educational, and
enculturation of new and existing Kenyan Immigrants in the State of Minnesota.
Kenyans Abroad
We the members of Minto Association having come this far from Africa (Kenya) to the United States of America (USA), acknowledge that we are still inherently connected with our friends and family members back home, who continues to look upon us for financial moral, and social support during times of joy and distress.
In addition, we are acutely aware of the social, environmental, and cultural challenges posed upon us as immigrants in our new land. As such, we resolve through the spirit of Ubuntu 'lam because of who we all are,' that permeates every aspect of our lives to create this charitable organization by the name Minto Association to help us mitigate those challenges whenever they arise.
We Offer moral and financial support to members in times of bereavement and or misfortunes.
Eligibility for Membership
Membership application shall be open to people of Kenyan lineage and/or relations through marriage, be 18 years and above, residing in the State of Minnesota. Membership is granted upon completion of an application form and payment of a non-refundable registration fee of $70 and payment of FIVE (5) shares (where a share = $50) totaling to $250 per membership.
Individual membership with full voting rights shall be open to only natural persons living in the state of Minnesota, unless one was a member prior to relocating to any other State within the United States.
The Executive Board shall have the power to accept applications for membership from persons who, though not eligible to apply for membership as stated above, accept the vision and identify with the mission of Minto Association.
- Associate membership: Open to students, temporary visitors, observers and well-wishers who, upon payment of a prescribed fee, have been admitted as members of the Association
- Corporate membership: Open to businesses with or without employees, organizations whether or not incorporated and any organized group of people who express a desire to join Minto Association as members