Eligibility for Membership.
Duly voting membership application shall be open to people of Kenyan lineage and/or relations through marriage, 18 years and above, residing in the State of Minnesota, supporting the purpose and objective statement as stated above. Membership is granted upon completion of an application form and payment of a nonrefundable registration fee of $70 and payment of FIVE (5) shares (where a share = $50) totaling to $250 per membership. Individual membership with full voting rights shall be open to only natural persons living in the state of Minnesota unless one was a member prior to relocating to any other State within the United States.
Corporate and Associate Membership.
The Executive Board shall have the power to accept applications for membership from persons who, though not eligible to apply for membership as mentioned above, accept the vision and identify with the mission of Minto Association.
- Associate membership: Open to students, temporary visitors, observers and well-wishers who, upon payment of a prescribed fee, have been admitted as members of the Association
- Corporate membership: Open to businesses with or without employees, organizations whether or not incorporated and any organized group of people who express a desire to join Minto Association as members
- Duly qualified members shall have the right to participate in all activities of the association, including but not limited to vote, receive benefits.
- Corporate and Associate members shall not be entitled to vote and be voted to serve in any capacity. They
shall be entitled to attend association meetings only as observers.
Meeting Of Members
- Regular Meetings. The Association shall hold regular meetings when need arises at a time and place designated and announced by the BOT.
- Annual General Meeting. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members shall take place in the month of July after the end of the association's fiscal year. The specific date, time and location of meeting will be announced by the BOT. The meeting shall take place no later than two months (60 days) after the expiry of the association's fiscal year. At the annual meeting members shall elect BOT, receive reports on the financial and activities of the association, and determine the direction of the association for the coming fiscal year.
- Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chair or a simple majority of the BOT. A petition signed by ten percent (I 0%) of voting members may also call a special meeting. No business other than that specified in the call will be considered at a special meeting.
- Notice of Meetings. Notice of meetings of members will be communicated at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. The agenda may be announced no less than Five (5) days prior to the meeting. Unless otherwise as specified.
- Annual, regular, and special meetings of the membership shall be held at the registered office of the Corporation or at such other places as may be determined by the Board of Trustees of the association. Unless otherwise as specified.
- In the event association members are hindered from physically congregating for a meeting necessitated but not limited to either distance, a pandemic and or any other catastrophic event, then the association shall hold its board meetings, annual, regular, and special membership meetings remotely through Video Conferencing (VC) and, or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM); Secondly, where possibly the corporation can also hold its meetings using a hybrid mode, where other members are able to meet physically while others are connected electronically; thirdly, members can also meet via telephone without the internet support. Provided: a) Modes of issuing notice of such meetings comply with section 4.04 above. b) The electronic communication facility employed enables all persons participating in a meeting to communicate concurrently with each other without an intermediary and participate effectively in the meeting. c) The means used should be capable of recognizing and recording participation of members and recording and storing the proceedings of such meetings along with the date and time. d) Except as otherwise specified in the bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order Latest Revised Edition* on electronic meetings shall apply.
- Quorum. A quorum for all Minto Association meetings shall be 10 percent of the voting members. Except as otherwise specified in these Articles, all meetings of the membership of Minto Association shall be conducted in accord with Robert's Rules of Order Latest Revised Edition* a) An act by a majority of voting members at a meeting with quorum shall be the act of the membership. b) The President is not allowed to vote but casts a deciding vote in case of a tie in the vote count.
- Between meetings of the membership, any action which may be taken in a meeting of the membership may be taken without a meeting by Email, Mail Ballot and or Electronic Voting cast by the voting members, which such notice as may be prescribed by these Articles, in the following manner:
- The proposed action shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees and stated in full text, accompanied by a memorandum explaining its purpose, and a ballot designed for a vote for or against the proposal. The foregoing materials shall be emailed to each member's registered email address with the association or mailed to each voting member with such instructions as may be determined by the BOT for completion and return of the ballot.
- The BOT shall tally the ballots, verify the result, and insert a signed verification of the result in the Association's minute's book. All ballots shall be retained for inspection at the next meeting of the BOT and or membership and may thereafter be discarded.
- If the proposed action receives an affirmative majority of the votes cast, then it shall be adopted provided at
least Ten (I 0) percent of the voting members cast their votes. Unless specified otherwise under
these Articles. Any such proposed action that fails to garner the support of at least
Ten (10) percent of the members voting shall be, so declared defeated.
Membership shall be terminated by filing a written statement of intent to terminate membership to the secretary. The secretary shall immediately inform the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the member's intent. The member's account shall be considered closed as of the day of the written communication. Member's refundable dues shall be calculated and forwarded to the member after all then due deductions have been fulfilled. Termination of membership originating due to any of the reasons listed below, shall also be approved by majority vote of the BOT;
- Failure to attend 2 consecutive AGM without an apology.
- Death of a member
- Deportation and or relocation of a member from the United States
- Conviction of a criminal offense involving dishonesty.
- Imprisonment for a period of 6 or more months
- Submission of fraudulent application for a benevolent benefit
- Failure to replenish member dues leading to shares dropping below value of 1 replenishing share. A reminder shall be sent to the member when I fully share remaining in the account. Members' monies below I share shall be returned to the member and shall immediately cease to be a member.
- A member acts in a way prejudicial to the interest of Minto Association.
Appeal of Membership Reinstatement
Upon termination of membership, the member has a right to appeal to the Appeals Board (AB) within 15 days of the adverse decision. Appeals board shall be composed of 4 members. BOT shall select 3 people from the list of Minto Association membership in good standing and without conflict of interest. The Treasurer shall serve as the ex-officio in the AB.
The treasurer shall update the AB and present the BOT's decision and
shall not vote. The 3 selected AB members shall adjudicate one (J) case ONLY, and dissolve. The decision of
the AB shall be final.